About Us

At 4400BC , we take immense pride in what sets us apart from our competitors, making us the top choice for potential clients seeking exceptional textile solutions.
Our extensive experience enables us to understand the unique challenges and demands of our clients, allowing us to deliver tailored solutions.
Unlike many competitors, we excel at managing the entire production process from idea to end-product. This comprehensive approach ensures seamless execution, quality control, and timely delivery
Our impressive track record includes serving a diverse clientele, ranging from post order companies and specialist retail chains to private label firms, garment makers, and wholesalers. This breadth of experience demonstrates our adaptability and ability to cater to various industries' distinct requirements.
Our curated collection includes premium textiles, ensuring that every client finds the perfect material for their specific needs.
Quality is the cornerstone of our business. From sourcing the finest fabrics to meticulous quality control measures, we prioritize delivering products that meet the highest standards of excellence. Our clients can trust us to provide consistent and superior-quality textiles.


Introducing Karan Chopra, the visionary director behind the brand 4400BC, where style and craftsmanship converge to redefine the world of shirts. With a wealth of experience in the field of fabrics, Karan brings an unparalleled passion for quality and a keen eye for detail to every creation within the brand.
Karan's vision for 4400BC goes beyond just clothing; it's about creating a lasting impression. His dedication to fabrics and design excellence shines through in every shirt, ensuring that customers experience the perfect balance of tradition and modernity. With Karan Chopra at the helm, 4400BC is not just a shirt brand; it's an embodiment of style and substance.



Meet Mukesh Chopra, the co-director of 4400BC, the innovative shirts brand. With a lifetime of expertise in the field of accounts, Mukesh has embarked on a new journey, bringing his financial acumen to the world of fashion. As a director of 4400BC, he brings a unique perspective to the brand, ensuring that it not only looks good but also operates smoothly behind the scenes. With Mukesh's financial expertise, 4400BC is poised for success, combining style and fiscal responsibility.